Jopi: Shop from Stores Nearby

by Jopi



Now get quick home delivery of items from your favorite stores nearby.==>Currently available in Guwahati. Were expending our availability to your city shortly.Order items from stores near you. Order from various categories likeGroceryVegetablesFruitsMedicinesStreet foodMIlkDrinking waterand many moreJopi is a hyperlocal delivery platform currently operating in Guwahati, Assam.Send and recieve items to and from your love ones. Items like medicine, documents, clothes, etc. Jopi delivery partners are ready 24/7 to cater your needs.Jopi is Guwahatis biggest hyperlocal home delivery shopping app with more than 1200 store partners and growingFood Home Delivery in GuwahatiMedicine Home Delivery in GuwahatiDrinking Water Home Delivery in GuwahatiMilk Home Delivery in GuwahatiVegetables Home Delivery in GuwahatiFruits Home Delivery in Guwahati